Our mission is to be the preferred, trusted professional services partner driving profitable success in each building program for both client and ACS.
Firmwide Leadership
David Rhodes
Melanie Kawczynski
Vice President | Operations
David Plank
Vice President | Architecture
Vann Farrell
Vice President | Construction Management
Todd Taylor
Vice President | Client Services & Business Development
John Johnson
Vice President | Foodservice Design
Jennifer Nelson
Studio Director | Architecture
Larry Higa
Studio Director | Architecture
Jerry Wick
Director | Architecture
Juan Mendoza
Director | Store Planning & Design
Angi Mielke
Director | Store Planning
Nigel Foo
Director | Marketing

We leverage our deep understanding of architecture, interior design, planning, and construction to provide new ways of creating value.
Our People
Allison Agosti
Architectural Associate
Chelsea Ackell
Project Manager | Architecture
Jodi Barta
Manager | Administrative Services
Matthew Drews
Project Manager | Store Planning
Alex Gomez
Job Captain
Emily Hiestand
Job Captain
Eric Hillesland
Job Captain
William Hofmann
Project Architect
Tom Hunt
Project Manager | Architecture
Tommy Kasper
Job Captain
Lori Kolthoff
Resource Design Specialist
Dan Loomis
Project Manager | Store Planning
Amanda Martin
Senior Store Planner
Vicki Meyer
Senior Store Planner
Cambree Ney
Foodservice Designer
Ashley Rathsack
Project Manager | Store Planning
Jennifer Rogalla
Senior Store Planner
Lawrence Song
Design Manager | Architecture
Abby Swantek
Co-Op Intern | Architecture
Ruby Wang
Project Manager | Architecture